About Us

Raising capital for your business can be difficult, time consuming, stressful…and in too many cases, not necessary.

Too often companies are celebrated for raising capital rather than building a sustainable business.  Very few of those companies understand the overwhelming pressure that comes with outside investors.  No more being your own boss.  Investors pushing you to run your business in ways that might not align with your business sense or ethical standards.  And a never-ending focus on growth at all costs, driving you down the path to endless fundraises and a complete loss of control.

The VC Trap is run by individuals who have been on all sides of this equation. We’ve bootstrapped companies; we’ve raised over $30MM in venture capital as founders at various companies; we’ve invested in and advised successful SaaS and consumer brand startups. We know the pain that comes both during and after fundraising and we are here to tell you: There is a better way.

Educate yourself. Build a better, more sustainable business. And contact us at info@thevctrap.com if you would like to find out more about our services.